Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Some smiles make your day!

There are all kinds of smiles flashed at you in the course of a routine day. There is the customary, 'hi-i-got-no-time-to-stop-now' smile by a hurrying acquaintance. There is the 'hi-i-don't-know-your-name-so-i-just-smile' flashed by the girl who lives two doors away from you. There is the smile from the cute guy standing in a queue parallel to yours and then there is the knowing, wicked smile from your idiotic best friend who knows how to embarass you best!

And then there is a smile.. flashed by a pure heart, one that completely lifts your spirits and reminds you that the world is , well, not so cold after all! I saw such a smile in Sujatha, one of our hostel staff. Sujatha is someone who has a lot of problems of her own at home, yet she will always have a pleasant countenance and is ever ready to greet you with a smile at the hostel entrance. After a horrid day, filled with loathsome jargon and fiery arguments.. i came home ( yes hostel is home now) to find Sujatha flashing me an earnest smile, radiant and simple. That smile surely warmed the cockles of my heart. I smiled back and lo and behold, all the tensions of the day just evaporated.. seemed pointless. I went to bed smiling, dreaming of sunshine.

1 comment:

Lavanya_Ajesh said...

She does...doesn't she? Have the most brilliant smile? I thought so too...

You should blog more man... you write well